CDC Election Procedures Published

The steering committee, comprised of affiliated club representatives from all over California, voted to approve our elections procedures for the 2019 CDC officer elections taking place on Friday, November 15th, in Long Beach.  

Read over the full procedures here.

We also want to thank our Steering Committee members for committing to make calls to the presidents of affiliated clubs to make sure this system – which we realize is new – is understood so that club participation can be maximized.


California Democratic Council 2019 Officer Election Procedures

  1. Affiliated clubs to be informed of the number of voting delegates they are eligible for based on review of submitted club rosters.
  2. Clubs will be asked to provide the names of the delegates up to the number they are eligible for based on their submitted rosters. (Clubs that don’t submit rosters will be eligible for 2 delegate slots: the president (or appointee) plus one other delegate.
  3. The CDC Credentials Committee will send club presidents, steering committee members or other designated recipients one voting card for each delegate. Each card will have the club identified delegate’s name on it.
  4. Delegates will bring the card with them to the voting meeting on Friday, November 15th, 2019 in Long Beach.
  5. If a delegate can not or will not be attending the meeting in Long Beach on November 15th, they can write the name of a delegate from their club who is attending on the card, and give that card to the delegate who can then get a ballot for that person and cast their vote as a proxy.
  6. We will not limit the number of proxy votes a single attending delegate can cast. We want to be sure that every club has ample opportunity to cast ALL of the votes the club is entitled to cast. We also believe that this system will accommodate club members who live far away.
  7. Attending delegates and the delegates they proxy for will decide among themselves how to make a voting decision to accommodate nominations from the floor.
  8. We will live stream the meeting, so that any non-attending delegates can observe floor nominations and on-site speeches.

*As ratified by acclimation by the elections Steering Committee on Saturday October 6th, 2019.

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